Saturday, 24 May 2014

Day 39 Hotel

Thurs 22nd May 2014

Not much to report today. English guests went off to Ronda for the day and David painted another wall in the courtyard. I did the housekeeping duties and then some ironing. Had a lazy afternoon reading and relaxing by the pool at "our house". Dinner with the guests again tonight. Jeremy & Kathy said they visited the Bullring in Ronda and thoroughly enjoyed it!!! Today in Madrid would you believe they had to close the Bullring as 3 Matadors were badly injured - HOORAY!!!!! The weather today was a bit chilly but nice in the late afternoon. Heard from my old boss today (Fiona) and very excited as it's looks like she is coming here with her daughter Lauren after their big Europe tour ends at the start of July.  

The view as we come out of "Our House"

Had goats cheese & apple followed by Alan's cod for dinner. Jeremy & Kathy (English guests) lovely couple. He is a GP and also lectures at Cambridge University, Kathy is a Matron for cancer patients. This is David in the sitting room checking the Australian news. 

David & I trying on hats from the hat stand in the hallway.

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