Friday, 9 May 2014

Day 24 Hotel - took Priscilla out

Wed 7th May 3014
After doing the guest breakfasts we all took to the driveway for a spot of gardening. All the wild fennel and weeds needed a good cut. Alan started with strimmer then Hope had a go. I decided not to give it a go as it is heavy and hard work. I went behind them loading the trailer and sweeping. David finished the second big wall of painting in the courtyard then came to help us. 

Very hot and I was knackered!

After lunch and a much needed shower David & I decided that Priscilla should be taken out for a run as she hadn't moved for 3 weeks. David had to do a 2 point turn to get around this corner in front of our house - and guess what!!!!!! Poor Priscilla!!!!!!! He reversed into a wall of rock as he had no patience and didn't wait for me to guide him! So now the back bumper and light on one side at the back is broken!!!! Alan and Hope came to the rescue with a screwdriver and more duct tape! Now something else we will have to get fixed!!!!  

After that little drama David Hope & I went off in Priscilla up to El Torcal (mountain range we can see from the hotel) we had been there before but wanted to go again and to also show Hope. On the way up we stopped at the spring to fill our water bottles from it - it flows 365 days a year!

The rock formations up here are incredible.

Hope with David

David getting a picture of Hope in a Yoga position to send to her friend

This proves that even as we are one hour away from the coast this area was once under water! 

David came across a herd of sheep and one goat. 


A corkscrew stack

After exploring and doing a short one hours walk we got back in Priscilla and she had NO POWER!!!!!! What ever next!??? Opened the bonnet (but not sure what to look for!) It sounded like some sort of blockage in the fuel. Hope came up with the smart idea of turning the engine off and back on again - guess what - it worked! Thank goodness as we had no phone signal.

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