Thursday, 1 May 2014

Day 16 Hotel

Tues 29th April 2014
David looking after his pool!

Cleaning windows and rooms

Starting to paint the massive courtyard

Very hot here again

Alan & Hetty got me to write about the hotel for one of their internet booking sites

Yes - sorry! A selfie of me. Just got dressed to have dinner with the guests (only one English couple at the moment) I also help in the kitchen each night - washing up/setting tables and trying to learn some of Hetty's delicious recipes. She makes it all look soo easy. I am writting down as much as I can so I don't forget the ingredients.

Hope (the American girl) finally arrived today. Alan drove to Malaga to pick her up. She is really lovely and is from San Francisco.

This is one of my favourites so far. Apple stuffed with goats cheese topped with almonds and honey. The tapenade on the bread - I made.

Salmon cooked in white wine with tarragon

Hetty me and Hope. Strawberries for dessert. When there are only one couple staying at the hotel and they want dinner at night we join them so they don't feel lonely. They wanted a 3 course meal so what a shame we had to have that too!

Peter & Valorie from Crowcombe, Tauton, Somerset UK. Val is a retired nurse and Peter a retired BBC audience researcher. Lovely couple and we gave them the grand tour of Priscilla! They have also given us their address as they want us to go and stay with them when we are next passing that area! All these places we have to go to! This trip could last a long time! (Sorry Mum! xxxxxx) 

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